Foreskin Restoration
A resource for techniques, advice, and information about non-surgical foreskin restoration

Foreskin restoration
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People > R.J.L.

Before, flaccid

Before, erect

Current, flaccid

Current, erect

I have been restoring for almost 2 years now. I was having some skin problems and also a loss of sensitivity as well. Since I had gotten to a C-4 with restoring all of the skin issues went away and the sensitivity has increased tremendously (editor: C or CI numbers referrer to how much of the glans the foreskin covers. They are numbered from one to ten, with one being no coverage and ten being total coverage with considerable overhang. In the fourth stage, the corona is completely covered while flaccid and the foreskin remains loose while erect). I love it more and more as the skin coverage increases.



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Although non-surgical foreskin restoration has been practiced since antiquity and modern tape-based techniques like the method described here have been successfully implemented for over twenty years, the information on this website should not be construed to be medical advice. Consult with your physician if you have any questions, concerns, or problems.